Friday, April 25, 2008


Soooo I'm officially done with classes for now. Got a loooooooong break before I jump back into school, so I should be enjoying my summer vacation. As it were, I might be heading to Honduras mid-may, may not. Depends on my mother's will to pay for my ticket, lol. I am, though, determined to go to a comic convention in late June in North Carolina. I invited my friend, Juan, to tag along, which should be fun. I just gotta find out how much the flights are. Heh.

Besides that, I'm finally gonna get to go back to working on my comic, and now that I found a colorist who'll be willing to do it, it should move a long a lot quicker. Im stuck redoing the first pages, so that has backtracked me a bit, but shouldn't be too much of a delay. I've given myself until the beginning of june to pump out the first 12 pages. A lot of time, hopefully, i can do a full 22 pages in a month. Well, that's it for now!



chincha said...

yay go to honduras with us!! and u def gotta go to the comic convention. u should make up a superhero mom, one that cooks, cleans, is the family dr, a chauffeur, plays with the kids, teaches the kids, does finances, shops, and all that good stuff. you can model her after me!!! LOL
hey does ur mom still want my resume for baptist?

mig_l said...

Yeah, sure. Send it my way and I'll print it out for her to take to the lady she knows!

A supermom, lol, and your only weakness -- Adorable daughters called, Isabella!